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Inspiring Ireland's policymakers about veterans' mental health

We recently hosted a special visit at London House from a team representing Ireland’s armed forces health services.  

A small group from Ireland’s Organisation of National Ex-Service Personnel (ONE) were here on a fact-finding mission to learn more about our trailblazing OpCOURAGE mental health service.

They were keen for us to share our experiences of setting up and delivering the service over the past year to help them tackle similar challenges in caring for veterans and their families.

They were met by Dr Jonathan Leach, NHS England's armed forces health commissioning director, alongside senior leaders and clinicians in our Trust, including Dan Brooks, Armed Forces Lead, Alex Gild, Deputy Chief Executive and Dr Deborah Lee, Regional Head of Service for Op COURAGE.

They introduced what we do, how we tailor our treatment to the experiences of veterans and how we have helped improve the lives of  local people.

Irish politician Senator Gerard Craughwell - pictured here with our armed forces lead Major Dan Brooks - recognised Berkshire Healthcare as a leading provider of mental health care and wellbeing services for veterans and their families in England. 

He said he was “greatly indebted to NHS colleagues for giving so generously of their time in facilitating a most impressive programme. We have much to learn from each other and I hope that this will lead to greater sharing of experiences in the future”. 

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Visit the Op COURAGE South East website at to find out more about the specialist treatment support available to the military community across our region.

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